“Don’t Tarnish the Dream”

“On MLK Day, racial equality found wanting,” was the head line on a recent post by the Pew Research Center. The post was based on a 2013 survey that indicated 45% of Americans believed that we have not reached MLK’s “Dream.” The most telling issue in the survey seems to be the parsing of the survey based on the color of a person’s skin and their political affiliation.  The reality, however, is that 81% of all those surveyed believed that progress toward racial equality has been made. Even 71% of Blacks and Hispanics believed the same. When parsed over political affiliation over 80% of both parties and independents agreed that progress toward racial equality has been made. Moreover, a decide majority believed that racial and ethnic groups get along pretty well to very well. Yet, the perception among nearly 80% of blacks is that a lot more work towards equality needs to be done.

I guess the old adage that “perception is reality” rings true today. The reality is that MLK’s dream was not that all men would be continuously parsed by race, but that one day we would realized that there is only one race – the human race. MLK’s dream was not that all men should be pressed into the same status of life, but that all men would be given the equal freedom to pursue their unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. MLK’s dream was that all men irrespective of their race would be judged by character and not “color.”

I, like the majority of those surveyed, think that we have made great strides in reaching MLK’s dream. We live in a country where people of all races, because of their character and hard work, have achieved greatness. The most pointed example of this is Barack Hussein Obama. I live in the state where MLK made his famous march from Selma to Montgomery. I grew up in the after math of integration. I saw the linger tension. However, I personally know of very few people that automatically discredit and devalue a person because of the amount of melanin in their skin. Is racism still around? Yes! Is their work to be done? Yes! But, we have made great strides towards realizing that we are all one race and that character is more important than degrees of color.

Unfortunately, the merchants of racism and their liberal media allies continue to facilitate the perception of increasing racial tension in America. Sadly, we cannot expect that perception to change when the highest ranking person of “color” in our country publically states that the reason people like him or dislike him as president is based upon his race. Could it be, Mr. President, that the American people are actually living MLK’s dream and judging you by the content of your character? Is it not possible that people who think you are a great president do so because they agree with you political agenda? Conversely, is it not possible that those who don’t like you as a president do not agree with you political agenda? Is it too difficult to think that we have actual followed MLK’s advice and we just don’t like your ideology and/or certain aspects of your character?

It is sad to see those of whom Dr. King dreamed continually attempting to dismantle that dream. It is disgusting to see those whom Dr. King dreamed about continually peddle racism for financial and personal gain. On this day we celebrate the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is it too much to ask that we, just this one time, honestly celebrate the reality of how much progress we have made as a people and honestly admit that there is still room for progress.


Ronnie J. Knight, Jr.

Letter to the Republican Party

To the esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republican Party:

Over the course of the past several years it seems that the conservative ideology upon which the party was founded has been morphed into an ideological doppelganger of the Democrat Party platform. Rather than standing firm on conservative values the Republican Party appears to have decided to present alternatives of the Democrat Party’s platform. In essence republicans have put democrats in the drives seat. To what end does this serve the party. Moreover, how does this harmonize with conservatism? The Republican Party should not be a Democrat Party lite.

Conservatives do not want our representatives to develop alternative forms of the Democrat Party’s platform. If we did we would have voted for them. We want conservatives to represent us based upon the foundational values of conservatism. We do not want an alternative to the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obama Care). We want government to get out of the way of health care and let the free market and consumers of health care determine the best practices and prices for health care.

Conservatives do not want an alternative to amnesty. We want the government to enforce immigration laws currently on the books today. The only thing broken with the current immigration system is the government bureaucracy that oversees its implementation. According to the USA Greencard Center approximately 800,000 people immigrate to the United States legally every year. People are able to immigrate legally, but many choose to break American Law and enter the country illegally. These people should not be considered victims of a broken system, but criminals who need to be returned to their country of origin.

Conservatives do not want a modified Democrat Party platform. We want representatives that understand that the greatest gift they can give to their constituents is the opportunity to live as free Americans who have been empowered to take up their God given right to pursue happiness. We want representatives who agree with the founders of this country who stated that the government’s role is to “secure these rights” rather than hinder them. We want representatives who understand that their primary responsibility is to legislate in such a way as to foster a thriving atmosphere for free market entrepreneurial enterprises.

Conservatives want representatives who understand that the Constitution of the United States is the canon by which the governing are keep in line. It is the cornerstone of the American Experiment and does not shift with the sands of time. We long for the days of Patrick Henry when men would rather die than trade freedom for tyranny.  We long for leaders who will unite us around the precepts of freedom and freedom’s God, rather than leaders who divide us by race, gender, or economic station. We want leaders who celebrate the success of the successful and inspire others to follow suit, rather than leaders who blame the successful for the lack of success by others.

Conservatives are desperately longing for representatives who will stand firm on the cornerstone of the Constitution as intended by the founders and fight ferociously for the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness endowed to their constituents by their Creator. We are looking for someone who will stand in the breach of the gaping chasm of liberal progressivism and champion the cause of conservatism. Is there any one left among us who is brave enough to stand?

From a concerned citizen,

Ronnie Knight

“John Wesley told his evangelist traine

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